LuxuryTastic Replicas produces the very finest lookalike designer products available anywhere

We pride ourselves on our products, our customer service and our reputation.

But it’s taken us more than a decade to reach this level, where we’re widely recognized as the world’s leading producer and retailer of luxury replicas. We’re well-known for our replica handbags , such as Hermes Replica, Cartier Replicas, Louis Vuitton Replicas, Gucci Replicas, Chanel Replicas, replica Burberry, and more.

This is our story, and how we’ve succeeded in a crowded marketplace with many lesser competitors.

23 Happy Customers
10 Years in Business
100000 Replica Products Sold

Who Is Luxurytastic Replicas

LuxuryTastic is a company that was born from the same frustrations you’ve probably experienced.

Just like you, we wanted to own luxury purses, bags, belts and etc. We loved the look and feel of products from Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and other prestigious, high-end brands. We wanted the glamour, the status – and yes, the envious looks – that come with wearing expensive, extravagant designer products.

But just like you, we thought it was ridiculous to spend thousands of dollar on each designer product.

We tried buying a few cheap copies from street vendors and various websites, but quite honestly, they were substandard. Bad design, poor stitching, low-quality leather – no one who really knew high-end products would mistake these purses for the real thing. You’ve likely had the same experience.

That’s when we decided that we could do much, much better. And that’s exactly what we’ve done. Today we offer the finest lookalike designer bags and products available anywhere: luxurious, high-quality and impeccable replicas of the world’s most desired bags, at surprisingly affordable prices.

Our motto: luxury and quality don’t have to be expensive.

It was a long process to get to there, though.

We started by scraping up enough money to invest in research. We carefully studied all of the exclusive brand-name purses on the market, as well as the most popular knockoffs manufactured in factories around the world.

We learned how to tell a cheaply-made copy, and what was required to produce a high-quality replica. We became experts on materials, stitches, hardware, logos and everything else that goes into creating a luxury designer product.

Finally, we opened for business in 2007.

At first, we operated like most knockoff companies. We purchased the best lookalike bags from Chinese suppliers that we could find, and had them drop-shipped to customers. Most of those clients were satisfied with our reasonable prices and impeccable customer service. But that wasn’t good enough for us.

Since we’d studied so many bags and wallets, we knew that what we were selling could pass for the “real thing” in social settings or on the street. Unfortunately, we also knew that when examined closely by discriminating customers who’d owned prestigious luxury designer products, our products would stand out as fake copies.

We realized that we had to go further.

It was time for us to get intimately involved in the design and manufacturing process, locating and working hand-in-hand with a factory partner who could produce replica products to the exact design and specifications.

The products have to be exclusive to us, and have to use the highest quality materials available – the same types of materials used to manufacture luxury purses sold by the brands we all revere.

We investigated and interviewed many manufacturers, and found that most were unable or unwilling to work closely with us to create the high-end bags we wanted and needed.

How We Started To Produce Our Own Replicas

In 2012 we finally struck gold, partnering with the same manufacturing company that produces our LuxuryTastic replica products today. They are as committed to quality and authenticity as we are. And that commitment shows in the products we’ve offered for sale ever since.

Our process is designed to ensure that our high quality replica handbags are impeccable. We purchase – at great expense – authentic luxury purses from the all of the major name-brand boutiques where they’re sold.

We then work with our designers to completely analyze those bags, carefully identifying the leather, metals and other materials used in their construction. We use 3D modeling to create graphic renderings and prototypes for each model, paying careful attention to every stitch, detail, feature and logo placement.

From there, we source the finest materials available to replicate the brand-name product and produce a number of iterations of the lookalike product.

We keep working until we’re satisfied that we have the perfect 1:1 mirror-image high quality Louis Vuitton replicas or Gucci knock off products, which only the most experienced luxury appraiser would be able to distinguish from the original.

Only then are we ready to sell these exquisite replica handbags to our customers. And we continually monitor any design changes made or new styles released by the luxury brands, refining our own designs as necessary to be sure we’re always as close to perfect as humanly possible.

We’re proud of the fact that we offer the finest luxury replica bags on the market. Here are just some of the extra steps we take when designing and manufacturing our LuxuryTastic products:

  • We use top-grade leather (or other fabrics that exactly match the original) that’s been ethically sourced, and use the finest lambskin (or similar materials) for linings.
  • We only use high-grade metals that match the metals used to create the brand-name purse, and even match the thread used for stitching as closely as possible.
  • We have a “final quality-control” inspection for every single bag before it’s released for sale. If there’s a single glitch or blemish, we don’t just reject that one handbag; we go back through the entire design and manufacturing process to find out why the problem occurred and ensure that it doesn’t happen again.

LuxuryTastic is also committed to second-to-none customer service, which begins with full transparency and doesn’t end when a replica product is ordered.

  • Every client receives quality-control photos of the product they ordered before it’s packed for shipping – and we won’t ship until first receiving customer approval.
  • We offer worldwide guaranteed shipping, and will replace any bag that’s lost in transit or seized by customs, free of charge.
  • Our customer service representatives are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with multiple ways to contact us for immediate satisfaction.

We’ve spent more than a decade building LuxuryTastic into the most reliable provider of replica luxury products at affordable prices. Achieving that goal has required complete dedication to our mission by our entire team – and everyone at LuxuryTastic, from owners to designers, from seamstresses to quality control supervisors, from the shipping department to our customer service reps – is committed to providing customers that same luxury experience for many years to come.

So browse through our products now and shop with confidence!

    LV Twist MM Epi Leather With Monogram Canvas Pink

    Original price was: $637.00.Current price is: $500.00.
    Crafted with details that evoke our emblematic trunks, this Twist MM is right on trend for this summer. Iconic Epi

    Salvatore Ferragamo Adjustable and Reversible Gancini Belt

    Original price was: $187.00.Current price is: $140.00.
    A contrast of colors give this reversible belt an elegant feel. The Gancini metallic buckle is finished in ruthenium for

    Salvatore Ferragamo Adjustable and Reversible Gancini Belt

    Original price was: $187.00.Current price is: $140.00.
    Realized in soft but resistant calfskin with a semi-mat finish, this reversible belts is embellished by a gold Gancini buckle,

    Salvatore Ferragamo Adjustable and Reversible Gancini Belt Black / Pink

    Original price was: $177.00.Current price is: $140.00.
    Feminine and versatile, this belt is made from supple hammered leather. It is crafted in a thinner silhouette and fastens

    Salvatore Ferragamo Adjustable and Reversible Gancini Belt Blue / Black

    Original price was: $177.00.Current price is: $140.00.
    Stylish reversible belt featuring the iconic Gancini buckle in palladium. A comfortable and sleek accessory, perfect to add a glamour

    Salvatore Ferragamo Adjustable Gancini Belt

    Original price was: $177.00.Current price is: $140.00.
    The length of this hammered calfskin belt is decorated with an embossed Gancini pattern. The urban chic style is enhanced

    Salvatore Ferragamo Adjustable Gancini Belt

    Original price was: $177.00.Current price is: $140.00.
    The length of this hammered calfskin belt is decorated with an embossed Gancini pattern. The urban chic style is enhanced


    Original price was: $340.00.Current price is: $270.00.
    PRODUCT ID: 1T492M MATERIAL: Suede COLOR: Black SIZE: 35-41

    30 Montaigne Calfskin Bag Black

    Original price was: $547.00.Current price is: $430.00.
    30 Montaigne flap bag in smooth black calfskin and CD clasp. Size: 9.4 x 6.7 x 3.1 inches / 24

    30 Montaigne Calfskin Bag Off-White

    Original price was: $547.00.Current price is: $430.00.
    30 Montaigne flap bag in smooth off-white calfskin and CD clasp. Size: 9.4 x 6.7 x 3.1 inches / 24

    30 Montaigne Calfskin Bag Sienna

    Original price was: $547.00.Current price is: $430.00.
    30 Montaigne flap bag in smooth sienna calfskin and CD clasp. Size: 9.4 x 6.7 x 3.1 inches / 24

    30 Montaigne Dior Oblique Flap Bag Blue

    Original price was: $567.00.Current price is: $450.00.
    30 Montaigne flap bag in blue Dior Oblique jacquard canvas and CD clasp. Size: 9.4 x 6.7 x 3.1 inches